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Exhibition News: Electronica China 2021 Kewell Presented its New Product S7000H Series

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Translate & Edit: Andy, Kewell

On 14 April 2021, Kewell proudly presented its new product, the S7000H Regenerative DC Source-Load System (3U/30kW) in Messe München Shanghai. On its debut release, we successfully performed several product demos for this well-crafted device at full power and attracted a few industry customers, integrators, and distributors. We ran IV simulation at 15-21kW to test the MPPT efficiency of PV inverter and operated two devices at 30kW simultaneously, one serving as a power source while the other one serving as a load. By using a power analyzer, we were able to demonstrate its high precision output (voltage & current) nature and 95% of energy efficiency in real-time.

S7000H is a high precision DC power system supporting dual mode−source and load−with energy regenerative feature. (1) As a DC source, it supports dual quadrant energy flow; (2) As an electronic load, it supports energy recovery to the grid. A comprehensive test solution to versatile types of products with highly effective and robust results, battery testing, energy storage inverter testing, auto-electronic testing etc.

We are dedicated to becoming a world leading brand for test power supplies & systems.


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